2025-01-08 09:46:23
At here wating for you 在这里等着你
Be with you 在你身边
Calls you just to say“hi” 打电话给你就是想说声嗨
Doesn't mind you shout at me 不介意你对我大喊大叫
Envisions the whole of you 期待你总是尽全力
Forever stand by you 永远在你身边
Gives you what you needed 给你一切你需要的
Hope you enjoy your life 愿你享受你的生活
I love you 我爱你
You jump!i jump! 你跳 我跟着跳
Keeps you close at heart 靠近你的心
Learn to know you 学会懂你
Make a difference in your life 给你与众不同的生活
Never makes you cry 永远不让你哭
Offers support 我支持你
Put you in my heart 把你放在我心底
Quiets your fears 停止你的害怕
Run with you in the future 和你一起去未来
Sing a song for you 为你唱属于你的歌
Taciturn knight 沉默寡言的骑士
Understands you 懂你
Valves you 珍爱你
Walks besides you 与你同行
XL love 特大号的爱
You are all the time so addictive 你一直令我着迷
Zeal for you 对你狂热