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100次浏览     发布时间:2025-01-03 09:46:49    

  1. "夏日的微风成永恒记忆,而九月的新人新事,我满心期待。"
    "The gentle breeze of summer is forever etched in my memory, and I eagerly anticipate the new people and events of September."
  2. "窗外秋意渐浓,你可曾察觉?
    "The autumn scent outside the window grows stronger, do you perceive it?
    Autumn is not defined by the Solar Terms of Start of Autumn or Autumnal Equinox,
    Nor by temperature averages below 22 degrees Celsius,
    But by the silhouette on the street corner,
    The last holdout in shorts and skirt,
    Under dim lights, gently cloaked in warmth."

  3. "勿让八月忧伤延续至九月,因九月自携喜悦与新的忧愁,如开学的序章。"
    "Do not let the sorrow of August linger into September, for September brings its own joys and new sorrows, like the prologue of a new school year."
  4. "九月,在许巍的旋律中悠扬,朴树的笔下生花,李志的故事里回响,周云蓬的旅途中静谧,海子的梦境里徜徉,亦是我的新篇章。"
    "September echoes in Xu Wei's melodies, blossoms in Pu Shu's words, resounds in Li Zhi's stories, serenades Zhou Yunpeng's journey, wanders in Haizi's dreams, and marks a new chapter for me."
  5. "九月不宠你?转账九十九,我来做你的温柔九月。"
    "If September doesn't treat you well? Transfer ninety-nine, and I'll be your gentle September."

  1. "当九月褪去学子的青涩,中秋的团圆不再,归期遥遥无期,唯余悲伤萦绕,那便是我成长的印记。"
    "When September sheds the innocence of students, the reunion of Mid-Autumn Festival fades, the return date stretches far, leaving only sorrow lingering, that is the mark of my growth."
  2. "重逢之时,定在九月微风轻拂,或十二月暖阳下,我们再次相遇。"
    "The time of reunion will surely be beneath the gentle breeze of September, or under the warm sun of December, where we meet again."
  3. "九月之歌为何众多?或许只因某个九月之夜,你辗转难眠,那些旋律,正是为你低吟浅唱。"
    "Why are there so many songs about September? Perhaps it's because on a certain restless night in September, those melodies whisper softly just for you."
  4. "傍晚的微风,湿润的发梢,新书待启,耳机线缠绕间,愿九月满载好运,所有憧憬皆能如愿以偿。"
    "Evening breezes, damp hair tips, a new book waiting to be opened, tangled earphone wires, may September be filled with good luck, and all aspirations come true."
  5. "九月何曾不美好?酷暑已退,凉风徐来,秋月皎洁,正是人间好时节,林清玄笔下的最美秋天。"
    "How could September not be beautiful? The scorching heat has subsided, cool breezes arrive leisurely, the autumn moon shines brightly, it is the best season of the year, the most beautiful autumn described by Lin Qingxuan."


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